
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Since we separated and expanded the Fleet Builder, we've been tweaking functionality based on your feedback:
  • Save and run options in existing fleets are now more prominent and easier to access, simplifying the management and execution of your workflows.
  • The new Fleet Builder header clearly indicates where you can edit the fleet name and project, improving visibility and usability.
  • The Vessel edit header now always displays the vessel name, making it cleaner looking and easier to identify and edit.
Minor Improvements and Bug Fixes
  • The canvas now has a visually appealing blue background.
  • Deleting a vessel no longer redirects you away from the canvas.
  • Clicking "Use in a Fleet" on a blueprint now correctly navigates you to the Fleet Builder with the vessel preselected.
  • Fixed the endless prompt to navigate away from the page.
  • After clicking on a blueprint vessel, you used to be required to resave the Fleet even if you hadn't changed anything.
  • Viewers can now access the Fleet Builder to view fleet configurations.
New Microsoft Excel Blueprints! Integrate Excel with the rest of your data stack using Shipyard. With Shipyard you can perform the following actions:
  • Upload Data to an Excel Workbook
  • Download Data from an Excel Workbook
New Microsoft OneDrive Blueprints! Connect OneDrive to the rest of your data stack with Shipyard. Using Shipyard you can do the following actions:
  • Upload files directly to OneDrive
  • Download files from OneDrive
  • Remove files in OneDrive
  • Move/Rename files in OneDrive





Introducing Logbook And More

We've added a Logbook to our sider that allows users to view all the logs associated with Fleet Runs in one place. This allows users to:
  • Filter logs by Status
  • Search by Log ID
  • Search by Vessel name
  • Sort by Last Run, Retries, Billable Runtime, and Duration
  • Search by Project name
  • Search by Fleet name
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Other Improvements
We've introduced the ability to kick fleet runs off in the middle by using environment variable overrides. Learn more about Kicking a Fleet Run off in the Middle by looking at our Doc.
We've separated out the Fleet Builder so there is more real estate to work out your flows. Some of the new features include:
  • A tab on the Fleet landing page for Fleet-level notifications
  • Larger canvas to move Vessels around and view your overall Fleet configuration
  • A new drawer for adding and editing Vessels that provides more a little real estate for filling out inputs and writing code
  • Easier access to Fleet name and project information previously hidden behind a few clicks
  • Save and Run your Fleets in one action
We introduced Audit Logs in our last release. Now Enterprise clients can customize who can see Audit Logs in organizational Roles. Roles allow organizations to customize and apply permissions to users. With Roles, you now have fine-grained controls of who can see the Audit Logs.
Other Improvements
  • The Credential form was periodically clearing inputs but that has been fixed.
  • The Version Control for Fleets now accurately displays who was responsible for the version.
We have introduced Audit Logs for those on our Enterprise Plan. See what all your users have been up to in the Shipyard platform in one place. We provide event and device details so you can follow up with specific users about changes or investigate security concerns. Learn about Audit Logs in our Docs.
Other Improvements
Some of our Blueprints are free! That is not new but it may not have been as obvious before. Now all blueprints that run for free are clearly marked. Learn more about our free Blueprints by checking out our Docs.
New MotherDuck Blueprints! Integrate MotherDuck with the rest of your data stack. With Shipyard you can perform the following actions in MotherDuck:
  • Upload a file to a table
  • Download query results as a file
  • Execute a SQL query against MotherDuck
New Portable Blueprint! Integrate Portable with the rest of your data stack. From Shipyard you can now trigger a flow in Portable free of charge!
Now, when you create or update a project's settings, you can choose who has access!
Also, users that have an
will automatically be able to access any project created in the organization.
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Other improvements:
  • Billable runtime not displaying properly for organizations on a Developer plan has been fixed
  • Fleet versions and logs have been realigned so the logs for available versions (and vice versa) are accurate
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